Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Historical & Genetic Evidence

Based on the accounts of Josephus and other figures from the Roman and later periods,
historical evidence proves that a subset of the ancient Hebrew people ventured into and eventually settled in sub-Saharan Africa. These peoples migrated into Africa in various waves after the Exodus events as well as after Assyrian captivity, after the Roman persecution, during the Spanish reconquista and other periods of time. Scripture supports that the Old Testament figures routinely went into Africa for various reasons.There is also historical evidence from medieval authors who documented multiple Jewish kingdoms in sub-Saharan Africa prior to the rise and spread of Islam in the period from about 700CE onward. Most notably are the aforementioned Lemba (who have a higher concentration of the so-called Cohen Modal Haplotype - CMH - than any modern Jewish population. Look up the importance of CMH) and Igbo tribes and the Ethiopian Jews. It stands to reason that if the lineage of these Hebrew immigrants in Africa is true with some Biblical and scientific verification, then the correlation of the Biblical events that prove the fate of so-called black people in other parts of the world should be as well.

Genetic evidence of Hebrew origin in various African tribes is also supported by the oral traditions and customs of the people in question. This evidence proves that all modern Jewish populations have a 3-5 percent sub-Saharan African origin with their DNA that traces back approximately 72 generations. In his book, The Black Image in the White Mind,  George M. Frederickson, a Stanford Professor, states that scientists examined the remains of some American slaves and native Africans from the region of West Africa from which these slaves were said to have originated and he determined that these people were not physically similar. In other words, the American slaves were not of native African lineage.

Being relative newcomers and outsiders in Africa among the indigenous population, the Hebrews were targeted and persecuted; especially when the era of trans-Atlantic slavery became more widespread. As a result, they were especially vulnerable to the indigenous populations who were eager to profit from the slave trade by performing "ethnic cleansing" of their communities and regions by rounding up individuals and entire villages to be "transported into Egypt (slavery/bondage) again with ships" exactly as described in Deuteronomy 28. 

These are my videos:
The Real Identity of the Old Testament Biblical Figures https://youtu.be/Z2dF8FwFHkc

The Real Identity of the New Testament Biblical Figures & Yeshua the Messiah/Jesus Christ https://youtu.be/AKwaerbACUw

Below are current photos of the Lemba, Igbo, Nigerian, and Ethiopian Jews:





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